Who was Muhammad’s (real name, Qathem,Quthem)


Who was Muhammad’s (real name, مثق, Qathem) Father?

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

My prayer is that my dear Muslim believers, as they continue to read this, will discover that truth – that the Qur’an is a counterfeit to the Holy Bible. My prayer for Christian believers is that, as they read and understand this, they will be equipped to effectively reach out to Muslims with the truth of the Gospel.

Sexual Power of 40 men (Muhammad's claim) Special skills Fairy tale stories Muhammad was born in the year 570, which is four years after his named father, Abduallah, died!

Some might say, “How can a child be born four (4) years after his father's death?”

The answer is simple. Abduallah was called his father, but he was “NOT”.

The real name of Muhammad's designated father was never Abduallah. His real name was Abd Allat, which means the slave of Allat (one of the three daughters of the pagan deity, Allah). Muslims only use the name Abduallah as his father's name, because the actual name of his father is insulting to Allah.

Let us reason some short references to prove this point about Muhammad's birth.

Muhammad's mother had many children, not only Muhammad. If the first and only individual man who ever had her was Muhammad's father, how does she have so many children?

In the book of Imam Al Suoty the Al Kasa's Al-Kubra V1 page 132/133/134/135 Muhammad’s mother said: I was pregnant with him, and it was the easiest one of my pregnancies.  No one speaks about his brothersHow can he have brothers, since Muslims claim that Muhammad never saw his father? And his mother, she was newly married? Add to that, Muhammad's father died a few months after he married her (as Muslims claim). The only way is if his mother would have had other husbands, or at least one other.

There are many stories to read, but not to make things complicated.  The coming Hadith will clearly prove that the father of Muhammad (the claimed one, Abd Allah) never did marry Muhammad's (Qathem's) mother.  Let us read the story as it is in Arabic, and translate it, for we know the Muslims will say, “No way could this be found in our books!” Not only that, but I will give a link to the biggest Islamic website for books on the net. The Book of Al Sirah Al-Halabia (another name of the book, Insan Al-Ueoun Fe Serat Al-Ma'mun), V1 page 128: After the death of Qathem Ibn Abd-Al-Mu'taleb (Muhammad's Uncle) at the age of nine, three years before Muhammad was born, his father Abd-Al-Mu'taleb felt so sad, so when the prophet was born, he named him Qathem.

The Hadith Translation (Book of Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Printing 1, 1968, V1, page 95/96):  Obed Allah told us that … it was Warqa Ibn Naofal's sister in the road looking for men. As she looked, she did not like any until she saw Abd Allah (Muhammad's father) walk by. She said to him, holding him from his clothes, “What do you think about my goods?” (Get what you need from me.) He said, “Not now. When I am back!” He went out fast and entered to Amenah Bent Wahab (Muhammad's mother) and had sex with her. On his way back, he came to meet with Warqa Ibn Naofal's sister and said to her, “You still like to sleep with me!” She said, “No! When you walked by, before you left me, I saw a shiny face, but now you have lost that shiny face.” (Maybe he is tired from sex.)

We can find the same story in a book titled, Alsyrah Al-Nbwyah Le-Ibn-Hisham (Arabic), Printing 2.02 ,Volume 1, Page 292, Author: Ibn Hisham Al’Ansaary/’Abd Allh bIin Yusuf:
 The hadith translation of the above book, Chapter about Woman Offering Herself For Nukah (sex) to Abd-Allah Ibn Abd-AlMu'taleb (Muhammad’s father):  

Ibn Ishaq said: “Then Abd-AlMu'taleb (Muhammad’s Grandfather) left, and he took with him Abd-Allah, in same time they pass by a woman, she is from the family of Assad son of 'Uzaa son of 'Qusai son of Dogs (dogs was the name of Muhammad’s early grandfather) son of Murah son of Ka'eb son of Lu'e son of Galeb son of Faher.” She said when she saw his face: “Where are you going Abd-Allah?” He said, “With my father,” then she said, “I will give you the same number of camels as was offered in the day of Sacrifice (100 camels) if you sleep with me.” He said, “I cannot now, I am with my father. I cannot leave him.” Now as we study this story, it tells us that women had no control at that time. They slept with whoever they liked, and they offered themselves to any of their choiceDid you notice in the first version that Muhammad's claimed father did not say no to the deal, but he had a rendezvous with Muhammad's (Qathem's) mother? He wanted to have sex with Warqa Ibn Naofal's sister, but when he came back, she changed her mind. Why?!

This proves that the word marriage had no meaning at that time. As we read, and is proven, Muhammad's father practiced this kind of open sexual relationship. Wondering what the relationship was between Waraqa and Muhammad from before his birth? It would not be surprised if Warqa Ibn Nofal is the real father of Muhammad.

On the same page, another story shows up.  Fatima Bint Mur was among the most beautiful women and most noble with honor. She read books and was educated! All the young men of the Qurish tribes talked about her. The story says that she saw the light of prophet-hood in his face! She offered Muhammad's father to sleep with her for the payment of one hundred camels!! How decent Muhammad's father was, to the point that women offered him money for sex.

The reason for reading these stories is to have some background about the daily life of the Arab tribe of Qurish at that time. This makes it clear, that when Muslims speak about Muhammad's family as being a noble family, it does not match the reality. Don't forget that Muhammad's parents were at the top of all of this, and they were pagans and died as such. In the book Al-Rahi'q Ma'khtom, Page 45, his uncle Hamza was sharing the same breast feeding women (two women breastfed Hamza). Later, the same two women breast fed Muhammad. The names of the two women were Thaubia and Halima Al-SadiaTranslation:  And his uncle 'Hamza was a person who was breastfed from the family of Bany Sa'ed son of Baker, and his mother (Hamza’s Mother), she did breastfeed Muhammad while he was being suckled by 'Halima, therefore 'Hamza had breastfeeding, sharing from both women who suckled Muhammad.

After this short introduction to Muhammad's life, it's time to put the light on this man, so we can figure out who he is, not as a name, but as a person and a man. Muhammad had his own experience as a human. His life was not easy until he got his hand on wealth. If you remember the first story, how the sister of Waraqa, her name was Qatilah Bint Naofal, offered herself to Abduallat (Abduallah), Muhammad's named father, so he would not have sex with Amenah. When he did anyway, she did not want Abduallat (Abduallah) anymore. If we connect this with other stories, we will find Waraqa Ibn Naofal is in every step of Muhammad's life.
In the same book (Book of Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Printing 1, 1968, V1, Page 95), it says that Muhammad:
دبع ل بيهو تنب ةلاه تدلوَ دحاو سلجم يَ بلطملا دبع نب للَّ دبع جوزتو مشاه نب بلطملا دبع جوزت ةعاضرلاُنمُهاخأوُبسنلاُيَ ملسو هيلع للَّ ىلص للَّ لوسر مع زمح ناكَ بلطملا دبع نب زمح بلطملا ضايفلا يبأ نعو هيبأ نع يبلكلا بئاسلا نب دمحم نب ماشه انربخأ لاق اهدنع ماقأ بهو تنب ةنمآ بلطملا دبع نب للَّ دبع جوزت امل لااق يمعثخلا .اهلهأ يَ هتأرما ىلع لجرلا لخد اَإ مهدنع ةنسلا ِلت تناكو اثلث
Abd Al-Mu'taleb Ibn Hashem and his son Abd-Allah did marry on the same day, so Halah daughter of Waheb gave birth to 'Hamza therefore 'Hamza was Muhammad's uncle and his brother by breast feeding (Muslims believe if two had been suckling from the same woman, they became brothers.), and we had been told by Ibn Ishaq that when the father of Muhammad married 'Amena (Muhammad’s mother) he stayed with her three nights, and that was the tradition at that time. Continuing on the same page, we find that the grandfather of Muhammad and his son had sex with two sisters, Amenah (Muhammad's mother) and Halah. Technically speaking, Muhammad's aunt is his grandfather's woman, or we can call her his wife. On top of that, it says that Halah gave birth to Hamza (Muhammad's uncle). This means both Muhammad and Hamza were breastfed by the mother of Hamza. That made Hamza, the uncle of Muhammad, his brother (by suckling the same woman's milk), but not in the same time period (year). Add to that, Muhammad's father slept only with Muhammad's mother for three days! He even slept with her in her house! How can she be his wife? Why didn't he, if he was married, take his wife to his house?! This means that Muhammad's mother never moved into Abdallat's (Abduallah's) house!! In the book of Ibn Kathir, V1/255, Ibn Hisham said the battle of Al-Fajar war started and Muhammad was 14 or 15 years old.

We find the same story from the book Al-Sira Al-Naboiah, by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Mahmoud Hasabalah (this is his whole name) and Dr. Muhammad AbduAlqader Al-'Khateb. Both are professors of Islamic history and civilization in Al Azhar University (the top accepted university by Osama and Al-Zawahiri and all the Muslims). They both say in their book that the battle of Al-Fajar started 12 years after the death of Abd-Al-Mu'taleb, the father of Hamza, and that Hamza was 22 years old at that time!!! In the same book, both doctors agree that Muhammad, at that time, was 15 years old when the war (Al-Fajar) started!

Here is the link for their book. We know Muslims will not believe this. Let us say 99% of Muslims never read books, so how would they know? Visit this link and see for yourself: http://www.alsiraj.net/sira/html/page08.html

If Hamza was 22 at the time of that war and Muhammad was 15, this means, according to these scholars, Hamza is seven years older than Muhammad! But Hamza was born in the same year Muhammad's father died! This would mean that Muhammad was born seven years after his father’s death.

The book of Sira Ibn Kathir V1/263 says: When Muhammad wanted to marry Khadija, he told his uncle about her and Hamza went to Khadija and asked for her hand for Muhammad.

In Arab traditionl, you do not ask someone of your own age to go on your behalf to ask for someone's hand. It's not acceptable at all. In this case, Hamza fits in two ways to do the job: He is Muhammad's uncle and he is older.

Now we will find if we read in the book of Da'ert Al-Ma-Ma'aref Al-Islamyiah, V 29, Page 9112 that Muhammad was born in year 570 AC and the battle of 'Ohod was in year 625as all Islamic books agree.

This means if we take the year 625 ('Ohod Battle) - 570 (his birth date) = 55 years (The age of Muhammad). In the book of Al-Tabakat Al Kubra, V3/ 29/118,

Hamza held the flag in the attack against the children of Qanika'a (the Jewish tribe who were all killed by Muhammad) and when he died, his age was 59. Here Hamza was older than the Prophet by 4 years.

Again Muslims might say we are making things up. This is can be found in many Islamic books such as:
83/11 ،دابعلا ريخ ريس يَ ،داشرلاو ىدهلا لبس : باتكلا book Sabil Al-Huda Wa Al-Rashad, Vol. 11, Page 82-83:
نأ حصي فيك ،نينس عبرأب ملسو هيلع للَّ ىلص للَّ لوسر نم نسأ ناك اَإ يَ امهتعضرأ نوكت نأ لاإ هريغ ىلع مدقم وهَ حيحص ثيدحلاو ،اعم امهتعضرأ ةبيوث نوكت ،نينامز 

If 'Hamza was four years older than the messenger of Allah then how [could he] be suckled from the same woman?

The answer is, the hadith is correct and has been favored above other hadiths because she did breastfeed them both in two different timing.

Al-Mustadark Fe Al-Sahih, V3, Page 212, Hadith 4873: Hamza's used to have two names, Abu-'Ali and 'Emarah. He became a Muslim six years after Islam started, and he was four years older than Muhammad. He was killed in battle of 'Uhod Saturday the seventh of the month of Shoual (Islamic).

Book of Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Printing 1, 1968, V3, Page 103:
“Hamaza may Allah have mercy on him was killed by a man his name Wahshy, he was fifty nine years old and four years older than the prophet.”

What do we have from all of these stories? 

If Muhammad's grandfather and his father slept with the same sisters in the same time period, and after that Muhammad's father left Amenah in the few days after, (or few months after that for the sake of argument because that will not change anything) then: Muhammad's grandfather and his son, Abduallah, had two sisters on the same day;

Hamza was born in the same time period of Muhammad's father's death;
Hamza is older than Muhammad (Muslim scholars disagree if it is by four years or perhaps seven years);  

Hamza was killed at the battle of U'hod at the age 59. Muhammad then was 55;

Muhammad cannot be the son of that man whom the Muslims call Abduallah

As we see in Ibn Kathir's book of Al-Bidayah & Al-Nihayiah, V2, Page 316.
At the end, a tribe of Banu Nader came asking for Muhammad, when he was a child, claiming that he was their child. It's so clear that he does not have a father.

To cover this obvious discrepancyMuhammad told them that a woman can be pregnant for many yearsThis is how his grandfather was convinced that Muhammad must be his grandson, even if his mother gave birth to him many years after Abduallah's death.

For Additional information to know who the real FATHER is watch this Video do some research and know the truth: and the truth shall make you free.

The Question is, Why Muhammad Did Not Say, Am The Grand Son Of " Abd-AlMu'taleb "?

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